Wednesday, June 10, 2015

When Dogs Attack: Misplaced Outrage

Sorry for the inconvenience! This old blog has been replaced with a shiny new one. Please feel free to check out our new venture: Canem Sententia: One Groomer's Dog Blog


  1. My parents' old dog we grew up with bit a girl, but she was tormenting him, grabbing him and shoving his face into hers. This is the one instance where calling it in was a disservice. He was older and the week or so he had to spend in quarantine at a vet's office in a kennel hurt his joints and I don't think they took him out often enough to relieve himself as accidents happened more frequently after that.

    Obviously unprovoked attacks as you describe are horrible. The victim should not be berated for reporting such an incident! So often the first incident reported is not the first time the dog has done something.

    If the dog were a person who ran up and beat the lady or cut her with a knife what would people be saying then?

    (P.S. Found you! Ha, been reading through back-entries and thoroughly enjoying it.)

  2. Great blog. Agree Totally
