Sunday, October 12, 2014

New Location, Same Old Snark

Very short entry because this is mostly just an update. The previous website I was blogging on? It keeps blipping in and out, and claiming a "502 Bad Gateway." Several times in a discussion, I have tried to link people to my blog, only to find that they get stuck with that message, unable to read it. Enough is enough.

To be perfectly honest, I chose that site because it has the bonus of being FREE. Clearly, I've been getting what I paid for...i.e., jack shit.

This "Blogger" tool is tied to Google, so hopefully it won't suck and fail as much as the last one. I will be slowly, slooowly converting many of my older entries onto this new blog. Plus I have several new entries cooking.

Here's a tiny preview of my next blog entry: So I had previously visited the local animal shelter tied to the Animal/Vector control and police, and found it to be a cesspool, a house of horrors, and full of cruelty and neglect. Less than FIVE MINUTES drive away is another yesterday I visited the other shelter. This one is privately run, and here's the heart of the matter: it was BEAUTIFUL.

Proof that a no-kill shelter, done RIGHT, doesn't have to be a house of cruelty and filth.

Until then, my friends!!!!

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