Sunday, November 23, 2014


Sorry for the inconvenience! This old blog has been replaced with a shiny new one. Please feel free to check out our new venture: Canem Sententia: One Groomer's Dog Blog

Purebred Versus Purebred: Quality Wins

Sorry for the inconvenience! This old blog has been replaced with a shiny new one. Please feel free to check out our new venture: Canem Sententia: One Groomer's Dog Blog

A Sad Commentary on Cheap, Crappy Horses and Bad Breeding Practices.

Sorry for the inconvenience! This old blog has been replaced with a shiny new one. Please feel free to check out our new venture: Canem Sententia: One Groomer's Dog Blog

Saturday, November 15, 2014

Show Your Support of Purebred Dogs: Pledge to National Purebred Dog Day!

Sorry for the inconvenience! This old blog has been replaced with a shiny new one. Please feel free to check out our new venture: Canem Sententia: One Groomer's Dog Blog

Sunday, November 2, 2014

Saturday, November 1, 2014

The Loss of Z Princess, and the Unfair "Blame Game"

Sorry for the inconvenience! This old blog has been replaced with a shiny new one. Please feel free to check out our new venture: Canem Sententia: One Groomer's Dog Blog