Saturday, November 15, 2014

Show Your Support of Purebred Dogs: Pledge to National Purebred Dog Day!

Sorry for the inconvenience! This old blog has been replaced with a shiny new one. Please feel free to check out our new venture: Canem Sententia: One Groomer's Dog Blog

1 comment:

  1. Love this blog! I checked out the entries on the old site, and now I'm on to this one. I know that this an older entry, but I still want to talk about my favorite breeds.

    Growing up, my parents Boxers, and I just love them. I love their joy, their faces, the way they play, everything. They are strong, sweet, and powerful. Their history of bear baiting notwithstanding, they are so good with people and kids especially. On the whole, just the best. I grew up in a house that had them for the first thirteen years of my life, but I can't honestly say that I have been the sole owner of one.

    My other favorite breed is the Belgian Malinois. I fell in love with them as a ten year old at a police dog demonstration. It was another almost fifteen years before I'd get one of my own, but I did everything to could to learn about and experience the breed. Everything I learned made me want one more. Mouthy? I can handle it. Driven? A necessity for me. Then their was their loyalty, their incredible intelligence, their gorgeous looks. Nothing I learned put me off them. I did own one (my most recent dog), but he was killed suddenly bak in July. Honestly, I love that they are insane. They want to do EVERYTHING RIGHT NOW, and that is so much fun for me to see. They are a pleasure to work with, if you can handle their intelligence and their energy. I love doing things with dogs, and my boy was the king of wanting to do things. Nose work, walks, obedience training, hiking, we did all of that, and for my future dogs, we will do so much more.
