Sunday, May 17, 2015

A Weighty Subject: Unnecessary Hatred For Weight Pulling.

Sorry for the inconvenience! This old blog has been replaced with a shiny new one. Please feel free to check out our new venture: Canem Sententia: One Groomer's Dog Blog


  1. My terrier mix loves nothing more than her flirt pole and food. I was shocked when I learned that in some places, simply possessing a flirt pole is a crime as it is considered dog fighting paraphernalia.

    She goes nuts when we pull it out, and it remains her favorite reinforcement method of all time. After a bit of super hard, focused obedience work, we give her a quick run around the yard with the pole and she is both mentally and physically worn out, in addition to being incredibly happy.

    We might have to try some pulling next, because she is so lazy that she's starting to lose some of her muscle tone. I pride myself on her being fit and healthy, and want to make sure she stays that way for her own health.

    Needless to say, my pampered princess of a pitty, who won't go outside without a raincoat in a light misting and sleeps in the middle of my bed on her own pillow, is not a dog fighting dog.

    1. You know, in some areas they also classify doggie treadmills as "fighting paraphernalia." I've been considering making a carpet treadmill for my Brittany because in winter sometimes the weather is prohibitive and it would help him keep in good hunting shape when long runs are not an option. How crazy is it that flirt poles or treadmills are seen as fighting shit???

      Definitely look into weight pulls, seems like a lot of dogs (especially bully-breed terriers) LOVE it!!! :D

  2. Thanks for standing up for weight pulling!

  3. It is refreshing to see someone defending weight pulling as a sport. It is my intention to one day compete in these events with American pit bull terriers. The only pay off your article I disagree with is that their is no such thing as a pit bull breed. There is and should only be one pit bull, the American Pit Bull Terrier. To continue to say they are a type of dog consisting of many bully breeds only fuels BSL. Lumping multiple breed bites together as one breed makes the numbers skyrocket. If we separated the bite statistics by actual breed then we will see bites by these dogs are not actually very high. But how can we expect lawmakers to know the difference if we as dog people or APBT fanciers refuse to acknowledge that these dog are different and should not be lumped together. There is but one pit bull, the APBT which has been around for over 100 years. Nothing else should be called one. You probably know most of this, I just ask we stop saying pit bull type and say the dogs actual breed or say it's a mix or of unknown origin . Sorry for the long post/rant, I love your blog keep up the good work!
